Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pre-Marital Counseling

Grace Bible Church's pre-marital counseling questionnaire form is 13 pages long, and that's just the questions. So it's been a long process filling out this incredibly long form with very introspective and profound questions. After a while, I started having fun and being myself again:

What brought you to the decision to want to be married? I want a male heir and she by all accounts is fertile and of child-bearing age.

Have you in the past or are you now living with your fiancée? She lives in my heart.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm too irreverent for my own good, but I never wonder about that very seriously.


jchan985 said...

I can't wait to hear conflict resolution answers. please post them if you ever write some funny ones down =P

latte artist said...

HAHHAHAHAHAHA--i LOVE the first one. you've been watching a lot of 18th century period pieces haven't you? ;)

Sarah said...

13 pages long of questions! they must want to know about your whole life!