Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm a Smart-Ass

Today, during pre-marital counseling, the male half of my mentor couple was asking about blogging, and how it's set up, and I explained to him about free online sites like and how some blogs were just desultory expositions on what people did during the day ("Today I walked around the Rice village and ran into an old friend") and some are centralized around a specific theme ("Sarah's Southern Cooking Journey" or "Fred's Foray Through Med School" or "Paul's Political Profferings").

He asked, "So why would people read your blog?" (in a general sense) and I said, "Um, because it's awesome?"

Of course, an old friend once told me, "I always thought of you more as a wise ass than a smart ass."



latte artist said...


Alex J! said...

That's why I read your blog.

Pat Hastings said...

How do you do premarital counseling? On skype? On a conference call?

jchan985 said...

totally a valid reason.

jchan985 said...

...though I tend more to read your blog b/c YOU'RE awesome.

Emily said...
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Emily said...
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Emily said...

he gets to be on speakerphone, Pat. he misses out on Houston traffic (woo!) but also misses out on face-to-face interaction, playing with their cats, and eating the muffins she bakes every time (boo!).

Anonymous said...

Well, that's why I read your blog. If that makes you a smart-ass, then what does that make all of us?